Widget Styles

On this page you can see basic widget styles used in this theme.

01The clear style is very useful to create banners or images without additional borders, margins and paddings. The clear suffix is also very useful inside the mainbody, mainbody_top and mainbody_bottom widget positions.

02For News Show Pro widget please always disable usage of the default CSS styles in the widget settings.

03If you want to put a banner in the inset area, please also use the banner and clear classess.

04If you want to remove the background image while using the module in the header on the frontpage, please disable image background option from Template Options -> Basic tab.

05For widgets which should have bigger width than other widgets on the top1, top2, bottom1, bottom2 or bottom3 areas, please add the double class. Please remember that this class should be applied to the first widget in the group. Otherwise it won’t work.

06The GK News Show Pro widget has few additional styles: list – for displaying items in one column with horizontal borders, list-small – the same as the previous style, but dedicated for small images in the articles on the left, showcase – for displaying articles with header overlaying the image and with icon over the image, showcase-small – similar to the previous suffix, but without the icon over image and with smaller header over the image. We have created also the special style – highlights for banner_right widget area.

07If you want to display tabs over the header image in the banner_left widget area, please also add the transparent class.

08You can put an icon to the widget title using the following syntax in the title: [fa-iconNAME] i.e. [fa-envelope]. Additionally you can specify the icon color using one of the following styles: icon-color1, icon-color2, icon-color3, icon-color4.